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One of my favorite things about the recent Go 1.20 release is the new http.ResponseController type, which brings with it three nice benefits: 关于最近的 Go 1.20 版本,我最喜欢的事情之一是新的 http.ResponseController 类型,它带来了三个好处:

  1. You can now override your server-wide read and write deadlines on a per request basis. 您现在可以根据每个请求覆盖服务器范围内的读取和写入截止日期。
  2. The pattern for using the http.Flusher and http.Hijacker interfaces is clearer and feels less hacky. No more type assertions necessary! 使用 http.Flusherhttp.Hijacker 接口的模式更清晰,感觉更轻松。不再需要类型断言!
  3. It makes it easier and safer to create and use custom http.ResponseWriter implementations. 它使创建和使用自定义 http.ResponseWriter 实现变得更容易和更安全。

The first two benefits are mentioned in the release notes, but the third one seems to have gone under the radar a bit… which is a shame, because it’s very helpful! 发行说明中提到了前两个好处,但第三个好处似乎有点不为人知……这很遗憾,因为它非常有帮助!

Let’s dive in a take a look. 让我们深入了解一下。

Per-request deadlines 每个请求的截止日期

Go’s http.Server has ReadTimeout and WriteTimeout settings, which you can use to automatically close a HTTP connection if reading a request or writing response takes longer than a fixed amount of time. These settings are server-wide and apply to all requests, irrespective of the handler or URL. Go 的 http.ServerReadTimeoutWriteTimeout 设置,如果读取请求或写入响应花费的时间超过固定时间,您可以使用它们自动关闭 HTTP 连接。这些设置是服务器范围的,适用于所有请求,无论处理程序或 URL 是什么。

With http.ResponseController you can now use the SetReadDeadline() and SetWriteDeadline() methods to relax or tighten these settings on a per-request basis if you need too. For example:

使用 http.ResponseController ,如果需要,您现在可以使用 SetReadDeadline()SetWriteDeadline() 方法根据每个请求放宽或收紧这些设置。例如:

func exampleHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    rc := http.NewResponseController(w)

    // Set a write deadline in 5 seconds time.
    err := rc.SetWriteDeadline(time.Now().Add(5 * time.Second))
    if err != nil {
        // Handle error

    // Do something...

    // Write the response as normal.

This is particularly helpful in an application where you have a small number of handlers that need longer deadlines than all the others, for things like processing a file upload or carrying out a long-running operation.


A few other details to mention: 需要提及的其他一些细节:

  • If you set a short server-wide deadline, and that deadline is hit before you call SetWriteDeadline() or SetReadDeadline() then they will have no effect. The server-wide deadline wins.

    如果您设置了一个较短的服务器范围的截止日期,并且在您调用 SetWriteDeadline()SetReadDeadline() 之前达到了该截止日期,那么它们将无效。服务器范围的截止日期获胜。

  • If your underlying http.ResponseWriter doesn’t support setting per-request deadlines, then calling SetWriteDeadline() or SetReadDeadline() will return a http.ErrNotSupported error.

    如果您的底层 http.ResponseWriter 不支持设置每个请求的截止日期,则调用 SetWriteDeadline()SetReadDeadline() 将返回 http.ErrNotSupported 错误。

  • You can effectively remove the server-wide deadline on a per-request basis by passing a zero-valued time.Time struct to SetWriteDeadline() or SetReadDeadline(). For example:

    您可以通过将零值 time.Time 结构传递给 SetWriteDeadline()SetReadDeadline() 来有效地删除基于每个请求的服务器范围的截止日期。例如:

rc := http.NewResponseController(w) 
err := rc.SetWriteDeadline(time.Time{})
if err != nil {
// Handle error 

Flusher and Hijacker interfaces Flusher 和 Hijacker 接口

The http.ResponseController type also makes it slightly nicer to use the ‘optional’ http.Flusher and http.Hijacker interfaces. For example, before Go 1.20 you would use a code pattern like this this to flush response data to the client:

http.ResponseController 类型还使使用“可选” http.Flusherhttp.Hijacker 接口稍微好一些。例如,在 Go 1.20 之前,您将使用这样的代码模式将响应数据刷新到客户端:

func exampleHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    f, ok := w.(http.Flusher)
    if !ok {
        // Handle error

    for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
        fmt.Fprintf(w, "Write %d\n", i)


Now you can do this: 现在你可以这样做:

func exampleHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    rc := http.NewResponseController(w)

    for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
        fmt.Fprintf(w, "Write %d\n", i)
        err := rc.Flush()
        if err != nil {
            // Handle error


The pattern for hijacking a connection is similar:


func (app *application) home(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    rc := http.NewResponseController(w)

    conn, bufrw, err := rc.Hijack()
    if err != nil {
        // Handle error
    defer conn.Close()

    // Do something...

Again, if your underlying http.ResponseWriter doesn’t support support flushing or hijacking, then calling Flush() or Hijack() on a http.ResponseController will also return an http.ErrNotSupported error.

同样,如果您的底层 http.ResponseWriter 不支持刷新或劫持,那么在 http.ResponseController 上调用 Flush()Hijack() 也会返回 http.ErrNotSupported 错误。

Custom http.ResponseWriters 自定义 http.ResponseWriters

It’s now also easier and safer to create and use custom http.ResponseWriter implementations that still support flushing and hijacking.

现在创建和使用仍然支持刷新和劫持的自定义 http.ResponseWriter 实现也更容易和更安全。

It’s probably easiest to explain how this works with an example, so let’s look at the code for a custom http.ResponseWriter implementation that records the HTTP status code of a response.

用一个例子来解释它是如何工作的可能是最简单的,所以让我们看一下用于记录响应的 HTTP 状态代码的自定义 http.ResponseWriter 实现的代码。

type statusResponseWriter struct {
    http.ResponseWriter // Embed a http.ResponseWriter
    statusCode    int
    headerWritten bool

func newstatusResponseWriter(w http.ResponseWriter) *statusResponseWriter {
    return &statusResponseWriter{
        ResponseWriter: w,
        statusCode:     http.StatusOK,

func (mw *statusResponseWriter) WriteHeader(statusCode int) {

    if !mw.headerWritten {
        mw.statusCode = statusCode
        mw.headerWritten = true

func (mw *statusResponseWriter) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
    mw.headerWritten = true
    return mw.ResponseWriter.Write(b)

func (mw *statusResponseWriter) Unwrap() http.ResponseWriter {
    return mw.ResponseWriter

So here we’ve defined a custom statusResponseWriter type, which embeds an existing http.ResponseWriter and implements custom WriteHeader() and Write() methods to support the recording of the HTTP response status code.

所以这里我们定义了一个自定义的 statusResponseWriter 类型,它嵌入了一个已有的 http.ResponseWriter ,并实现了自定义的 WriteHeader()Write() 方法,以支持HTTP响应状态码的记录。

But the important thing to notice here is the Unwrap() method at the end, which returns the original embedded http.ResponseWriter.

但这里要注意的重要一点是末尾的 Unwrap() 方法,它返回原始嵌入的 http.ResponseWriter

When you use the new http.ResponseController type to to flush, hijack or set a deadline, it will call this Unwrap() method to access the original http.ResponseWriter. This is done recursively if necessary, so you can potentially layer multiple custom http.ResponseWriter implementations on top of each other.

当您使用新的 http.ResponseController 类型来刷新、劫持或设置截止日期时,它将调用此 Unwrap() 方法来访问原始的 http.ResponseWriter 。如有必要,这是递归完成的,因此您可以将多个自定义 http.ResponseWriter 实现层叠在一起。

Let’s look at a complete example, where we use this statusResponseWriter in conjunction with some middleware to log response status codes, along with a handler that sends a ’normal’ response and another that uses the new http.ResponseController type to send a flushed response.

让我们看一个完整的示例,其中我们将此 statusResponseWriter 与一些中间件结合使用来记录响应状态代码,以及一个发送“正常”响应的处理程序和另一个使用新的 http.ResponseController 类型发送刷新的处理程序回复。

package main

import (

type statusResponseWriter struct {
    http.ResponseWriter // Embed a http.ResponseWriter
    statusCode    int
    headerWritten bool

func newstatusResponseWriter(w http.ResponseWriter) *statusResponseWriter {
    return &statusResponseWriter{
        ResponseWriter: w,
        statusCode:     http.StatusOK,

func (mw *statusResponseWriter) WriteHeader(statusCode int) {

    if !mw.headerWritten {
        mw.statusCode = statusCode
        mw.headerWritten = true

func (mw *statusResponseWriter) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
    mw.headerWritten = true
    return mw.ResponseWriter.Write(b)

func (mw *statusResponseWriter) Unwrap() http.ResponseWriter {
    return mw.ResponseWriter

func main() {
    mux := http.NewServeMux()
    mux.HandleFunc("/normal", normalHandler)
    mux.HandleFunc("/flushed", flushedHandler)

    err := http.ListenAndServe(":3000", logResponse(mux))
    if err != nil {

func logResponse(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
    return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        sw := newstatusResponseWriter(w)
        next.ServeHTTP(sw, r)
        log.Printf("%s %s: status %d\n", r.Method, r.URL.Path, sw.statusCode)

func normalHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

func flushedHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    rc := http.NewResponseController(w)

    w.Write([]byte("Write A...."))
        err := rc.Flush()
    if err != nil {


    w.Write([]byte("Write B...."))
    err = rc.Flush()
    if err != nil {

If you want, you can run this and try making requests to the /normal and /flushed endpoints:

如果需要,您可以运行它并尝试向 /normal/flushed 端点发出请求:

$ curl http://localhost:3000/normal

$ curl --no-buffer http://localhost:3000/flushed
Write A....Write B....

You should see the response from the flushedHandler in two parts, first the Write A... part, then followed a second later by the Write B... part.

您应该看到来自 flushedHandler 的响应分为两部分,首先是 Write A... 部分,然后是 Write B... 部分。

And you should see that the statusResponseWriter and logResponse middleware have successfully written log messages, including the correct HTTP status code for each response.

您应该会看到 statusResponseWriterlogResponse 中间件已成功写入日志消息,包括每个响应的正确 HTTP 状态代码。

$ go run main.go 
2023/03/06 21:41:21 Listening...
2023/03/06 21:41:32 GET /normal: status 418
2023/03/06 21:41:44 GET /flushed: status 200